Thursday, 6 April 2017


I was wonder-struck today by this tulip. The bright colours really stood out under the tree, and brightened up a dull corner of the park. This in itself is great but on closer inspection of the plant, I find myself being filled with wonder at the detail on the flower. The way the pink and yellow seem to melt into each other, yet still remain two separate entities. If I tried to draw this I'm sure that I would end up with an orange in there. Then there is the shape of the petals gently curving and interlacing to form a beautiful cup. Again I find myself thinking about creation. How amazing is God taking the time to go into so much detail for something that will only last a few days or weeks. How much does he love this flower to take the trouble to make it so lovely? It reminds me of how much he loves us to create our bodies in such intricate detail to last for many years.

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